Burns Charest obtains complete victory for client in breach of contract arbitration

With an award totaling over $700k, Daniel Charest and Megan Altobelli led their client to a complete victory in a breach of contract arbitration. After over a year of negotiating over non-payment on several promissory notes, Burns Charest’s client came to the firm. Burns Charest filed an arbitration on behalf of their client to enforce payment on the defaulted loans against the payors and, in that process, sought accelerated consideration and adjudication. After a successful arbitration in February, the arbitrator issued the final award in favor of the client. In addition to ordering payment in full on the notes, the arbitrator also awarded near-complete relief on costs, fees, and post-judgment interest.
“With the facts and law clearly on our client’s side, it is great to see a swift decision from the arbitrator awarding full relief to our client. And I am proud of the team to be able to deliver this result efficiently.”
– Daniel Charest, Partner