Never outworked.
When we saw the opportunity to build one of the best litigation firms in the area, we did it. We did it fearlessly, and we did it aggressively. This same bold spirit informs everything we do at Burns Charest. From battle-testing our attorneys to taking on corporate behemoths and large national firms in the courtroom, we are calculated risk-takers.
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Antitrust laws are essential to our nation’s economy. Without them, businesses would be free to conspire to charge American consumers higher prices. And monopolists would be able to squeeze competitors out of the market.
Antitrust laws are so vital that state and federal governments have empowered American consumers and businesses to bring legal claims to enforce these laws. And in some cases, they may obtain three times their damages if successful.

Arbitration serves a crucial function in dispute resolution. By planning ahead, parties to a contract can select the decision maker, the process, and timing to resolve their disputes. As a result, many sophisticated parties have chosen arbitration rather than general courts of law.
But arbitrations are not business as usual. Even with set arbitration rules, the process allows for and demands skill and experience in the arbitration setting. Knowing the ins and outs of arbitrations in all forms gives advantages over those that treat arbitration as “just another piece of litigation.”

The asbestos industry and companies using asbestos have ruined millions of lives by conspiring to hide the dangers of asbestos and the diseases caused by asbestos exposure. These industries actively worked to keep those dangers hidden from the public, hidden from the government and regulators, and hidden from the workers exposed to asbestos. Burns Charest is proud to represent individuals harmed by asbestos and their families in holding those industries accountable for the damage they caused.

Business Disputes
Your business is business. Ours is trying cases. Burns Charest is the go-to firm for business disputes, including breach of contract, tortious interference with contract, unfair competition, violations of non-compete agreements, defamation and business disparagement, fraud, fraudulent inducement, accounting malpractice, and more. We’ve fought on both sides—with good effect. Our lawyers have recovered millions for plaintiffs and we’ve obtained complete defense wins. Whether your matter sits before a judge, a jury, or an arbitration panel, our expertise makes all the difference.
Big cases don’t require big bills. They require skill. Our attorneys are stand-up trial lawyers, not discovery litigators. We focus on winning at trial, not picking needless skirmishes along the way.

Class Actions & Consumer Protection
Corporations and special interest groups have spent millions of dollars in an effort to convince Americans that class actions are bad for business. Why? Because they know that class actions are the single most effective means of compensating Americans for corporate wrongdoing.
At Burns Charest, we believe that class actions are often the only way to assure that victims of corporate greed and unlawful conduct are compensated for their damages. Class actions are an integral part of our system of civil justice. We firmly believe in this fundamental right and are willing to stake our own financial resources on our clients’ behalf.

Big Oil is big business, and the business of Big Oil often leads to high-stakes litigation. People and companies from across the nation and around the world put a lot at risk in these deals. When things go wrong in this sector, they tend to go very wrong. That’s where we come in.
Our combination of trial savvy, industry experience, and technical know-how puts us in an excellent position to help you. The oil and gas industry has its own technology, accounting procedures and lexicon. The lawyers at Burns Charest understand these complicated concepts, and have explained any number of them to judges and juries for your benefit. We are oil and gas trial lawyers.

When environmental pollution damages property, you need an attorney to hold the responsible industry or organization accountable. Whether the contamination is a result of historical or reckless oil and gas exploration and operations, unsafe storage of hazardous materials, or an environmental catastrophe, Burns Charest has the experience and knowledge to seek justifiable damages for the injuries caused.
Successful litigation of these cases requires specialized knowledge of environmental and natural resource regulations, scientific principles, and the applicable tort, contract, and property laws. Burns Charest succeeds in these cases because our attorneys are environmental practitioners as well as litigators.

Intellectual Property
Patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets have always represented some of a company’s most valuable assets. And today, rapid advances in technology mean companies both large and small are increasingly dealing with intellectual property disputes.
Burns Charest stands ready to help you win that fight. Our lawyers have litigated patent, copyright, and trademark infringement cases in federal courts throughout the country, including precedent-setting patent cases in both the United States Supreme Court and the Federal Circuit.

Toxic and Mass Tort Litigation
Burns Charest has leveled the playing field between injured individuals and big business. Whether it’s misrepresenting the safety or efficacy of a drug, ignoring safe practices in the workplace, or turning a blind eye to testing or internal warnings that may affect the bottom line, there is no end to the depths of some companies’ duplicity and greed.
Burns Charest doesn’t back down, bringing know-how and experience to the courtroom, helping our clients seek the justice they deserve. And while big businesses may have considerable resources, so do we.