With First In-Person Hearing, Burns Charest Obtains Complete Victory for Client, Turtle Creek Energy, During Oklahoma County Summary Judgment Hearing

Burns Charest secured a full summary judgment win for its Dallas-based client, Turtle Creek Energy, LLC, in a case involving mineral deed rights against Oklahoma energy company Stack Energy Partners, LLC, in Grady County District Court, Oklahoma. This hearing was the team’s first in-person hearing since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. And it was a successful return to the courtroom with Turtle Creek winning summary judgment both on its affirmative claims and against Stack’s claims against Turtle Creek.
Daniel Charest and Mallory Biblo represent Turtle Creek in this action and for this hearing. Charest argued the motions for summary judgment. Based on the record and argument, the Grady County District Court ruled in favor of Turtle Creek on the issues involving the mineral deeds and confirmed that Turtle Creek holds clean title to the minerals at issue. And, based on Burns Charest’s work, the Court, rejected Stack’s cross motion for summary judgment, which had advanced various arguments related to rescission of the mineral deeds and unfounded allegations of fraud.
“Even though the briefing was excellent, being back in the courtroom for a live argument benefited our case. And it was fun to be on my feet in court again!” said Charest. Biblo, who helped with the argument, explained: “The issues had been fully briefed, but standing in front of the judge to respond and interact, helped get the win.” The attorneys did their best to maintain social distance and observe COVID-19 health guidance.
The case is Turtle Creek Exploration, LLC, v. Stack Energy Partners, LLC, Cause No. CJ-2019-9, in the District Court of Grady County, Oklahoma.