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Firm’s Lawsuit Against American Airlines Tied to Teen’s Death Garners National Media Coverage

The lawsuit filed by the firm last week against American Airlines has been picked up by a range of national media outlets, including The New York Post, The Daily Beast and People Magazine.

The litigation was originally filed in New York last year, but after objections from American it was refiled by Burns Charest in federal court in Fort Worth, where the airline is based.

“Texas juries are tough, but they're fair. Our jury is going to hear what happened to Kevin,” says the firm’s Hannah Crowe in the People Magazine report. “They are going to hear the facts of this case, and they are going to be shocked that American Airlines would put its passengers, especially children, in this kind of danger.”

The lawsuit alleges the plane’s on-board defibrillator did not function properly and the flight crew was not properly trained in its use, contributing to his death.