Over the last 40 years, Martin Barrie has been trained and active in the disciplines of industrial hygiene, epidemiology, toxicology, and the environmental sciences. This unique expertise has provided him with the knowledge required to artfully defend the rights of employees exposed to hazardous materials—like asbestos, silica, benzene, pesticides, metals, rare earths, and drug compounds.
Before doubling down on law, Martin practiced as an industrial hygienist working for oil, gas, and support companies. In this capacity, he made recommendations that helped limit the exposure of employees to hazardous, disease-causing materials. Throughout this experience, and his advanced training in epidemiology and toxicology, he saw that there was limited accountability for companies that failed to protect their employees. As an attorney, Martin has made it his mission to fight for them.
University of Texas Health Science Center, School of Public Health, Ph.D. (2003)
South Texas College of Law, J.D. (1987)
University of Texas, Health Science Center, School of Public Health, M.S. (1982)
University of Rhode Island, B.S. (1978)
Admissions & Honors
State Bar of Texas
State Bar of Tennessee
Eastern District of Texas
Attorney-Mediator Institute, 1995
Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Texas Health Science Center, School of Public Health, Houston, Texas, 2003 - present
Adjunct Professor, Department of Public Health, College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences, the University of Tennessee, 2012-present
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee, College of Nursing, 2015-present
Speaking Engagements & Presentations
- Tsai, C, Dunn, K, Barrie, MD, Collier, W. Nanotechnology: Updates and Challenges for the future: Part 2: Exposure assessment and control strategy advances; and future challenges and opportunities. The American Industrial Hygiene Conference & Exposition (AIHce), May 21, 2018, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Barrie, MD. The Use of Surveillance and Biomonitoring for Nanomaterial Workers. East Tennessee State University, Environmental Health Seminar Series, July 30, 2016, Johnson City, Tennessee
- Roberts, J., Barrie, MD, Goldman, R., and Hoover, M. Roundtable “Progress and Current Issues in Nanotechnology – Occupational Risk Assessment and Management” - Medical Surveillance and Biomonitoring in Nanomaterial Worker Risk Assessment and Management, The American Industrial Hygiene Conference & Exposition (AIHce), May 21-26, 2016, Baltimore, Maryland
- Rogers, W., Sano, J, Barrie, MD, Lippy, B. Roundtable “Big Legal and Business Issues in the Small World of Nanotechnology”, The American Industrial Hygiene Conference & Exposition (AIHce), May 21-26, 2016, Baltimore, Maryland
- Schneider, K, Barrie, MD, Plunkett, L., Hoyte, C. and Kennedy, R.T. Cannabis in the Courtroom: Epidemiological Evidence Considerations with THC in Court. The Society of Toxicology 55th Annual Meeting and ToxExpo, March 13–17, 2016, New Orleans, Louisiana
- Barrie, MD and Hutson S. Cancer Cluster Investigation in Eastern Kentucky: An Interim Glance. University of Tennessee Medical Center Research Seminars, Knoxville, Tennessee, April 28, 2015
- Barrie, MD and Miller, J. Health Effects of Select Metals – Mercury, Arsenic, and Nickel. Beryllium Support Group Oak Ridge (BSGOR), Oak Ridge, TN, November 13, 2014
- Dahlstrom, D., Barrie, MD, Heidel, D. Nanomaterial Workplace Risk Management, Third Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization Conference. Boston, MA, November 2-4, 2014
- Barrie, MD. What Do You Really Need To Know and What Do We Do With It? The Real World: Industrial Hygiene. AIHce2014, San Antonio, Texas, May 31-June 5, 2014
- Barrie, MD. Select Research-Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Occupational and Worker Health Group. University of Tennessee, Department of Public Health, Research Day, February 7, 2014
- Barrie, MD and Nichols G. Pilot Fatigue: Current Control Limitations and Research Needs. Aerospace Medical Association Annual Conference. San Diego, CA, May 11-14, 2014
- Barrie, MD and Nichols G. Catastrophic Radiological Events and Compensation: Constructs and Conflicts of Science and Policy. Twenty-Sixth Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, From Local to Global: Advancing Science for Policy in Environmental Health, Seattle, Washington, USA - August 24-28, 2014
- Barrie, MD and Nichols G. Cytogenetic Testing of Nanomaterial Workers: Concepts, Methodology, and Limitations. AIHA Asia Pacific OH Conference and Exhibition, Singapore. October, 2013
- Barrie, MD. Particulate Matter (PM2.5): Health and Legal Issues. New Industrial Toxins Litigation Conference. HarrisMartin, Marina del Rey, California, December 3-4, 2012
- Barrie, MD. The Use of Exposure and Health Surveillance Registries for Risk Identification, Characterization, and Management. The National Forum for Environmental and Toxic Tort Issues, Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, 2012
- Strader C, Cragle D, Ellis E, Barrie, MD, Tankersley W, Wallace P and Nichols G. Analysis of a US Department of Energy Emergent Technologies Cohort. American Public Health Association, 140th Annual Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, CA October 27-31, 2012
- Barrie, MD. Community Health and Litigation-Disciplines, Integration, and Policy, The University of Tennessee at Knoxville, Department of Public Health, February 24, 2010
- Barrie, MD. Experts in Toxic and Environmental Claims: Why do we need all those experts? Knowing the Fundamentals. The National Forum for Environmental and Toxic Tort Issues, Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, 2010
- Barrie, MD. Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia: Law and Science. Harris Martin’s Benzene Causation Conference: A Look at Recent Admissibility Challenges On a Disease-by-Disease Basis, Las Vegas, Nevada, May 24-25, 2010
- Barrie, MD. Pesticides and Health. Ministry of Agriculture, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, 2009
- Sheehan P, Goswami E, Hicks J, Barrie, MD. An Assessment of Historical Benzene Exposures of Printing Press Operators. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Expo, Minneapolis, MN, May 31–June 5, 2008.
- Barrie, MD. Low-Level Benzene Exposure and Leukemia Risk: Recent Epidemiological Assessments, the Future & Science of Benzene Litigation, Roundtable on the Future & Science of Benzene Litigation, 2006
- Barrie, MD and Nichols G. Use of Epidemiology in Risk Assessment. Toxicological Risk Assessment for Beginners, Chapter 7. José A. Torres and Sol Bobst (eds.), Springer, 2014
- Barrie, MD, Dahlstrom DL, Goswami E, Kaetzel R. The Halogens, Chapter 26. Patty's Toxicology, Sixth Edition, Bingham E, Cohrssen B (eds.), John Wiley & Sons Publishers, 2012
- Barrie, MD, Baker, J, Hoover, M.D., Geraci, C.L. Nanobiomonitoring and Surveillance: Opportunities to Confirm the Protection of Nanomaterial Workers. Synergist, February, 2017
- Baker J, Barrie, MD, Geraci CL, Hoover MD. Soft Law and Nanotechnology, Sources of Guidance for Risk Management. Synergist, April, 2016
- Connor TH, Barrie, MD, Theiss JC, Matney TS, Ward JB Jr. Mutagenicity of Formalin in the Ames Assay. Mut. Res. 1983 Feb; 119(2):145-149
Representative Cases
Royal T. Siploe v. Union Carbide, et al. , No. 1:87-CV-907 (E.D. Tex.)
- Lead counsel in occupational toxic exposures of movie projectionist to rare earth cerium compounds from carbon rods.
Erinn West, Individually And As Personal Representative Of The Estate of William G. West v. Texaco, Inc. et al., No. B-0149921 (60th District Court, Jefferson County, Texas)
- Lead counsel in occupational toxic exposure to refinery catalyst dust resulting in nasopharyngeal cancer and wrongful death against domestic and international manufacturers of catalyst and premises owners.
Nanette Marie Baugh et al., v. Phillips Petroleum Company and Phillips 66 Company, No. 1027*JG97 (239th Judicial District, Brazoria County, Texas)
- Lead counsel in action to recover for community exposures of minor children to refinery emissions that resulted in respiratory damages.
Floyd L. Chambers et ux. v. Monsanto Chemical Company, et al., No. G-89-306 (S.D. Tex., Galveston Division)
- Lead counsel in action to recover for occupational benzene exposure and alleged leukemia; worked case from inception.
Carol Culp, Individually and as Independent Executrix of the Estate of Floyd Allen Culp, Deceased, et al., v. Curtin Matheson Scientific, Inc, et al., No. B-127,338 (60th District Court, Jefferson County, Texas)
- Lead counsel in action to recover for occupational benzene exposure of refinery laboratory worker and leukemia against manufacturers of benzene.