Never outworked.
We thoughtfully assembled a battle-tested team of tenacious, smart, and creative lawyers who are relentless in the fight to get results. Impressively credentialed and experienced, they are dedicated to understanding your business, advancing your goals, and winning often.

Warren T. Burns

Daniel Charest

Christopher J. Cormier

Chase Hilton

Amanda Klevorn

Korey Nelson

Darren Nicholson

Matt Tripolitsiotis

Larry Vincent

Rick Yelton

Adrienne Allen

Ian Baize

Barbara Bates

Anna Kate Benedict

Quinn Burns

Hannah Crowe

Claire Bosarge Curwick

Natalie Earles

Jayde Encalade

Logan Fontenot

Ryan Gaddis

Mike Haas

Anna Nguyen

Elizabeth Perryman

Ellen Short

Laura Soundy Seggerman

Max Sternberg

Matt Strauser

Mohini Tangri